8 Useful Things to Know Before Learning German to Make the Process a Lot Easier

by | Learning German

If you’re planning to move to Germany and learn German, there are some important things to know before learning German. In this listicle, I’ll share 8 tips that I wish someone had told me before I started learning the language. From the right way to learn grammar to dealing with mistakes, this guide will help you navigate the challenges of learning German and set you up for success.


What to Know Before Learning German


1. Learn Grammar Formally

When it comes to learning German, understanding the grammar is essential for effective communication. Although informal learning settings like dinner conversations can improve your conversational skills, mastering the formal aspects of grammar often requires a structured approach. If your goal is to comprehend the language comprehensively and use it professionally, enrolling in a German language school or an integration course can provide the necessary foundation. Investing in formal education from the beginning can save you from the frustration of backtracking later on, especially if you plan to integrate into the German workforce or academic environment.


Benefits of Formal Grammar Education

Learning German in a formal setting offers several advantages:

  • Comprehensive understanding of grammar rules
  • Improved writing and speaking skills
  • Enhanced professional and academic opportunities


Personal Experience

Reflecting on my own journey, I regret not prioritizing formal grammar education earlier. While I can engage in fluent conversations, my lack of formal grammar knowledge has posed challenges, particularly in professional contexts. Therefore, I highly recommend taking a structured approach, like an intensive course, to learning German grammar to avoid similar hurdles.


2. Learn Some German Before Arriving

Preparing yourself with basic German language skills before arriving in Germany can significantly ease your transition and initial interactions. Even a fundamental grasp of greetings and simple phrases can make a noticeable difference in navigating daily situations and forming initial connections. Fortunately, there are various resources available to facilitate learning the language before your arrival.


Utilizing Language Learning Resources

Before embarking on your journey to Germany, consider utilizing language learning platforms and resources such as:


Personal Recommendation

Based on my experience, I really recommend taking advantage of these resources to familiarize yourself with the German language before your arrival. Acquiring even a basic understanding of German can greatly enhance your initial experiences and interactions in Germany, making your transition smoother and more enjoyable.


3. German Skills Help Even for English Jobs

When seeking employment in Germany, especially in major cities like Dusseldorf, it can be challenging to secure an English-speaking job. While Berlin may offer more opportunities, the competition is also fierce due to the higher number of English-speaking expats. Surprisingly, even in English-speaking firms or businesses, a basic knowledge of German can be beneficial. Understanding simple German phrases can greatly assist in day-to-day interactions, whether it’s communicating with the cleaning staff, receptionist, or other non-English speaking personnel. Employers often appreciate employees who can handle basic tasks in German, even within an English-speaking role. Therefore, investing time in learning some German, even when applying for an English position, can be advantageous, especially in cities like Dusseldorf.


4. It’s Okay to Make Mistakes

One important thing to know before learning German is that making mistakes is perfectly okay. Many Germans understand the complexity of their language and are empathetic towards learners. In fact, it’s common for Germans to appreciate the effort put forth by non-native speakers, often expressing admiration rather than criticism. Embracing the learning process and being open to making mistakes can lead to a more positive and supportive language learning experience. So, don’t be discouraged by errors, as they are seen as part of the learning journey and are generally met with understanding and encouragement.


5. Speaking Gets Easier Over Time

Speaking the German language can be a daunting task, especially if you struggle with confidence. Many individuals, including myself, have experienced challenges in speaking the language fluently. However, it’s important to note that speaking German becomes easier over time. There often comes a moment when everything just clicks, and suddenly, speaking the language feels more natural. Embracing the learning process and being open to making mistakes can lead to a more positive and supportive language learning experience. So, don’t be discouraged by errors, as they are seen as part of the learning journey and are generally met with understanding and encouragement.


6. Liquid Courage Can Help

While I don’t necessarily encourage this approach, a little bit of alcohol can sometimes ease the nerves and boost confidence when speaking the German language. Enjoying a few drinks in a relaxed setting can help alleviate the pressure and make speaking the language feel less intimidating. It’s common for some individuals to notice a significant difference in their confidence and fluency after having a couple of drinks. However, it’s essential to approach this method responsibly and be mindful of consumption. Additionally, remember that developing authentic confidence in speaking German without relying on alcohol is crucial for long-term progress.


7. Learning Can Be Flexible

Learning the German language doesn’t always have to follow a rigid, formal structure. If you’re not under the pressure of working in a German-speaking environment or staying in the country long-term, there are flexible learning options available. Utilizing language learning apps and resources can provide you with the essential language skills to navigate everyday tasks, such as grocery shopping and basic interactions. Additionally, learning with friends can help you develop a more natural and accent-free German speech, offering a relaxed and enjoyable approach to language acquisition.


8. There Are Different Ways to Speak German

Before delving into German language classes, it’s important to understand that there are multiple ways to speak German, including informal and formal speech, as well as the Präteritum tense commonly used in written language. It’s crucial to be aware of these different forms of speech to ensure comprehensive language proficiency. While informal language may be suitable for social settings, mastering formal and Präteritum speech can be advantageous, especially in professional or business environments. By embracing a well-rounded approach to language learning, you can effectively communicate across diverse contexts and situations.


Bonus #1: Don’t Give Up on Learning

Learning a new language can be challenging, but it’s important not to give up. I truly appreciate the value of being able to communicate in German, and while I may have faced setbacks, I am determined to continue improving. Don’t be disheartened if you encounter difficulties, as persistence and dedication to learning the language will ultimately be rewarding. Embrace the journey, stay motivated, and remember that every step forward is a significant achievement.


Bonus #2: Consider Factors Affecting Your Learning

When learning German, it’s crucial to recognize the various factors, that can impact your language acquisition. Internal and external elements may influence the speed and effectiveness of your learning process. Understanding and addressing these factors can significantly enhance your language learning experience. Whether it’s adjusting your learning environment, managing time constraints, or overcoming the personal challenges that come with moving to a new country, being mindful of these influences can help you navigate the complexities of learning German more effectively.

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