Discovering My True Heritage: I’m Not Actually Canadian

by | Cultural Immersion

Understanding where we come from is a journey that many embark on, but for me, the results were super surprising.



I’m Not Actually Canadian: Discovering My True Heritage


🧬 The Journey Begins: My Heritage DNA Test

I began just by being curious about my ancestry. I had a general idea of my background, having grown up in Canada with parents who were both born and raised there. However, my family’s history is a bit more intricate. With the opportunity to take a MyHeritage DNA test, I jumped at the chance to uncover the truth behind her ancestry.

The DNA kit was straightforward and user-friendly. It came in a charming package that not only made the process exciting but also served as a great gift idea for anyone interested in their heritage.


📜 What Did I Think I Knew? My Background

Before receiving my results, I believed I was primarily Canadian, with roots tracing back to Jamaica on my father’s side and possibly The Netherlands on my mother’s side. According to family lore, my maternal ancestors fled from Germany to The Netherlands during the war.

The complexity of my background often led to questions about my heritage. Despite identifying as Canadian, I frequently encountered curiosity about my ethnicity, particularly regarding my darker skin tone compared to other Canadians. I wondered if I might have Spanish ancestry as well.


🌍 The Shocking Results: A New Reality

When I finally received her DNA results, the outcome was nothing short of shocking. Instead of confirming my expectations of being Canadian, Jamaican, and Dutch, the results revealed a diverse mix of ethnicities that left me speechless.


  • 39% Irish, Scottish, and Welsh
  • 31% Scandinavian
  • 7.5% Nigerian
  • 7.8% North African
  • Additional ethnicities

I was taken aback by the significant percentage of Irish, Scottish, and Welsh ancestry, which I had not anticipated. The Scandinavian roots were equally perplexing, as I had no prior knowledge of such ties. The inclusion of North African and Nigerian heritage added yet another layer of complexity to the whole thing.

🔍 Analyzing the Results: Where Do They Come From?

With my results in hand, I began to analyze the implications of her newfound heritage. The Irish, Scottish, and Welsh ancestry made sense considering Jamaica’s colonial history under English rule. However, the Scandinavian connection was a mystery that I felt compelled to explore further.

I speculated about the potential for ancestral migrations that could explain my Scandinavian roots. Additionally, the Nigerian and North African percentages raised questions about my family history that had yet to be uncovered. I plan to reach out to my family for more insights and clarification regarding their lineage.


🤝 The DNA Matches: A Family Connection

One of the most fascinating aspects of my DNA test was the discovery of DNA matches. Upon reviewing her results, I found that several of my matches were relatives I already knew, including family members from both Jamaica and Canada. This validation of my familial ties added a personal dimension to the data.

As I explored my family tree, I realized that the narrative my family had shared might need to be re-evaluated. The results suggested that there could be connections to Scandinavia that had not been previously acknowledged.


💭 Reflections on Identity: What Does It Mean to Be Canadian?

My journey through my DNA results led me to contemplate my identity. What does it mean to belong to a specific nationality or culture when our ancestry is so multifaceted?

This realization encouraged me to embrace her unique blend of cultures. Rather than feeling disconnected from my Canadian identity, I began to see it as part of a larger narrative that includes my Irish, Scandinavian, Nigerian, and North African roots.

🌐 Embracing the Journey: Next Steps

With the initial shock of her DNA results subsiding, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I was eager to further explore my ancestry and learn more about the cultures that make up my identity. I spoke with family members, researched my heritage, and want to visit the countries associated with my newfound ethnicities.

Additionally, I think there is value in sharing my story. By documenting my experience, I hope to inspire you to discover your roots. The process of understanding one’s heritage can be enlightening and empowering, and it helped me understand myself better as I navigate my life in Germany.


📚 Resources for Exploring Your Ancestry

If you’re curious about your own heritage and considering a DNA test, here are some resources to help you get started:

  • MyHeritage DNA – A popular service for DNA testing and family tree building.
  • – Another leading platform for genealogical research and DNA testing.
  • FamilySearch – A free resource for exploring your family history.
  • DNA Adoption – A resource for those looking to connect with birth families through DNA.


🎉 Conclusion: The Adventure Continues

My journey of discovery has only just begun. The revelations from my DNA test have opened doors to understanding my family’s past in ways I never imagined.

Whether you’re Canadian, Jamaican, Scandinavian, or something entirely different, embrace your unique story and the adventure of uncovering your roots!


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