The Worst Part of Being a Foreigner in Germany: Navigating the Bureaucratic Hurdles

by | Cultural Immersion, Visa Process



The Dreaded Ausländerbehörde (Foreigners’ Office)

As a foreigner living in Germany, there is one aspect of life that Germans will never fully understand – the difficulties of navigating the German bureaucratic system. The Ausländerbehörde, or Foreigners’ Office, is often the bane of every international resident’s existence, and for good reason.

I, like many others, have had my fair share of frustrating experiences at the Ausländerbehörde. Just this morning, I had an appointment that I had been waiting for over a year and a half, only to be met with yet another round of disappointment and tears. After waiting for over a year and a half, I had an appointment this morning that ended up in disappointment and tears. Despite being very organized, with color-coded documents and a detailed plan, things still managed to go south.

The Dreaded Ausländerbehörde Appointment

As I entered the Ausländerbehörde, I was filled with a sense of dread, knowing all too well the treatment I was likely to receive. True to form, the experience was nothing short of disastrous. The employee I spoke with was abrupt, impatient, and completely disregarded the effort I had put into preparing for the appointment.

Apparently, the system had been updated since my last visit, and I was now required to submit photocopies of every single document, something I had not been informed about. When I expressed my confusion and asked what I should do, the response was less than helpful. “There are 160,000 other people who want the exact same thing as you, so what do you think I’m going to sit here and photocopy every piece of paper for you?” I was speechless. The sheer lack of empathy and understanding was overwhelming, and I found myself in tears, feeling utterly defeated.

Check out our checklist on submitting your visa, registering in Germany, and our comprehensive guide to get your residence permit to make the process as smooth as possible.

The Harsh Reality of Discrimination

This experience is not unique to me; in fact, it is a common occurrence for many foreigners living in Germany. The level of rudeness and discrimination that is often displayed by Ausländerbehörde employees is truly disheartening. I know that I am not alone in this struggle, as I have received countless messages from others who have had similar, if not worse, experiences.

As a Canadian, I have been fortunate to not have faced as much discrimination as some of my fellow foreigners, particularly those of Turkish descent. However, even I have been subject to unfair treatment and judgment simply because of my status as an international resident. It is a harsh reality that many of us have to face, and it is something that Germans, who have never had to navigate the bureaucratic maze as outsiders, will never fully understand.


Navigating the German Bureaucracy as a Foreigner

The German bureaucratic system is notoriously complex, with a heavy emphasis on paperwork and documentation. For Germans, this may be a normal part of life, but for foreigners, it can be a daunting and overwhelming experience. From registering for a residence permit to opening a bank account, the amount of documentation required can be staggering.

To combat this, it is essential for foreigners to be as organized and prepared as possible. Keeping detailed records, color-coding documents, and having multiple copies of everything can make the process a little less painful. However, even with the utmost preparation, the treatment received at the Ausländerbehörde can still be a devastating blow.


Tips for Navigating German Bureaucracy

  • Come prepared with all the necessary documentation, and make sure to have both the original and photocopied versions.
  • Expect to be treated with a lack of empathy and understanding.
  • Be persistent and don’t be afraid to ask questions, even if the employees seem unwilling to help.
  • Reach out to other foreigners who have been through the process for advice and support.
  • Remember that the difficulties you face are not a reflection of your worth or your ability to thrive in Germany.

Overwhelmed? Book a call with Jenna for guidance on your specific situation.


The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Despite the challenges, there are many amazing things about living in Germany that make the bureaucratic hurdles worth it.  I am so excited to receive my permanent residency, and I can’t wait to share that milestone with all of you. Until then, I will continue to navigate the system, armed with my organization, resilience, and the knowledge that I am not alone in this struggle.

To my fellow foreigners in Germany, I see you, I hear you, and I stand with you. The discrimination and mistreatment we face is unacceptable, but together, we can continue to pave the way for a more inclusive and welcoming Germany. Keep your heads high, and know that your perseverance and determination are truly inspiring.

Watch our video sharing everything you need to know about moving to Germany in 2024.

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